Discover Belle-île through an open-air theatrical tour about Sarah Bernhardt

À partir de EUR 25,00 €
  • Durée: 90 Minutes (environ)
  • Lieu: Sauzon, Morbihan
  • Code produit: MangaExcl

Belle-Île-en-mer has captured the hearts of many artists. The most glamorous is undoubtedly Sarah Bernhardt. Glamorous... and fearless. Her antics are well known, but the influence she had on the art of her time is less so. Do we know to what extent she was a pioneer on the stage, creating some of the theatre's legendary roles, some of which were even written especially for her? She had powerful encounters with certain texts, such as those by Racine and Shakespeare. The artist will be sharing extracts from some of these texts with you, as you stroll through the history of "la Voix d'Or", as Victor Hugo called her. An original way to discover a piece of the soul of "la dame des Poulains".

A 2-hour storytelling stroll around the places inhabited by Sarah Berhnardt, with theatrical breaks. 

At the end of the show, there will be a 5-10 minute chat with the artist.

The show takes place near the forts at Pointe des Poulains, with a stopover in the fort she once lived in. It's a total immersion in her world and the view of the jagged cliffs she loved so much, perfectly matched to the powerful characters that "la Voix d'Or" played.

Artistic expression :


Atmosphere of the show :

Shivering and poetic

Seating & comfort :

Sitting on the grass or on a personal folding seat brought along by the spectator