Private tour of the road to the Huerta de San Vicente: Federico García Lorca in Granada. Tour in English

Ab EUR 155,00 €
  • Dauer: 2 Stunden (ca.)
  • Ort: Granada, Granada
  • Produkt-Code: PT0JAY

We invite you to take a tour of the most significant streets that linked the center of Granada with the outskirts of the city, where the summer home of Federico García Lorca’s family was located: La Huerta de San Vicente. We will also talk about the most interesting buildings in the neighborhood of La Magdalena and the path Lorca may have walked down on August 9 to the home of the Rosales family, fleeing the threat to his life.


Discover where the symbiosis between the Vega de Granada and the city began, the reason for the transformations in nineteenth and twentieth-century Granada and how Lorca lived and was inspired by the most interesting influences by Granada in his literary work. Among other places, you will visit Mariana Pineda’s last home, a century before the poet’s birth, the Plaza de Gracia, a social gathering place in twentieth-century Granada, and the house/museum of La Huerta de San Vicente.


Our guides, professionals who are passionate about Lorca as a figure and the history and city he lived in, will help you follow in his footsteps through the sites in Granada and the family home that marked the poet’s life.