Discover the area around Chantilly on a tour of 2 exclusive open-air shows

Ab EUR 25,00 €
  • Dauer: 150 Minuten (ca.)
  • Ort: Coye-la-Forêt , Oise
  • Produkt-Code: CarolineExcl

Let yourself be guided along a romantic itinerary that will show you the Oise as you've never seen it before. The artist invites you to follow the wanderings of Gérard de Nerval, a local boy, from the Commelles ponds, a hidden spot in the heart of the Chantilly forest, to the Jean-Jacques Rousseau park in Ermenonville. The writer's story will be told by two women he loved, Aurélie, the Parisian actress, and Sylvie, the local farmer. 

Two shows will be staged along the way:

1) Un poète maudit at the Château de la Reine Blanche, on the edge of the Étangs de Commelles

Let us take you to the Étangs de Commelles in Coye-la-forêt, home of the Château de la Reine Blanche. Legend has it that this is where the mysterious Dame Blanche lurks.

This haven of peace in the heart of the Chantilly forest is one of the places where Nerval and his beloved actress Aurélie used to visit. The beauty spurned him for another. After the writer's death, she returns to a place he once loved, and perhaps regrets having missed out on a great love.

Sitting quietly by the pond, you'll hear this tale that will transport you back to the romantic 19th century. You'll be able to relive the traditions of the Pays de Valois as told by the region's greatest writer.  

Gérard de Nerval grew up in the Valois region around Compiègne, Senlis and Chantilly. Shortly before his death, in his last collection of short stories, Les Filles du feu, he revisited the happy memories of his youth, the dreams and disappointments of love, in an account that is both full of charm and tinged with nostalgia.

2) Passion by the garden at the Parc Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Ermenonville : 

Jean-Jacques Rousseau spent the last weeks of his life in Ermenonville. The park that now bears his name is an English-style garden laid out according to the principles set out in his novel La Nouvelle Héloïse.

In this rejuvenating, meditative setting, let yourself be transported back to the 19th century by Sylvie, a young peasant girl who grew up with the poet Gérard de Nerval in Loisy. She'll take you on an enchanting stroll, where you'll be able to admire the Isle of Poplars, home to Jean-Jacques Rousseau's cenotaph and the Temple of Philosophy.

Sylvie will tell you about her secret love for the poet Nerval and their walks in Ermenonville, where the young man introduced her to Rousseau before leaving the region for Paris.

Years later, after reading the passionate correspondence between Julie and Saint-Preux in La Nouvelle Héloïse, Sylvie returns to the park and realises, too late, that she was Nerval's great love.

The route starts at the Etangs de Commelles (Coye-la-forêt) and ends at Ermenonville.

If you wish, you can take a 30/35-minute walk along the footpaths between the charming wash-house in Coye-la-forêt and the Commelles ponds. The path takes you past the Thève, the river admired by Nerval, Coye-la-forêt castle and the equestrian centre.

Artistic expression :

Theatrical strolling

Atmosphere of the show :

Emotional, poetic, charming, mysterious

Additional information :

If the itinerary is done over a single day, spectators must have a car to get from the Commelles ponds to Ermenonville (30-minute drive).